Monday, January 24, 2022

Chapter 13

Un giorno a Venezia

"In Paris he went to the Louvre almost every day, sometimes just to see a painting that I liked," I said, leaving the "Calle next to the church" to take the "Calle behind the church." "Fortunately there are many custodians in the Louvre. Do you know what happened to me at Ca 'Rezzonico?"

"No, if you don't tell me," Papa smiled. 

"For a few days I guided some English friends, quite elderly but full of energy. After the Academy we went to Ca 'Rezzonico and as soon as we entered they noticed that, for all that good stuff, there were very few keepers. I explained that at Ca 'Rezzonico the custodians are always few because being a month for the refined there is never a large crowd of visitors. Half an hour after closing we go down the ramps and go to the exit. I find the door closed, I push it, it does not open. I push harder, it doesn't open. The British also push: it is really closed and barred. Let's check the clocks again: they all mark the same hour thirty minutes before closing. We go in search of a caretaker in one room, then in another, we tour all of Ca 'Rezzonico which is certainly not small. There is no one left, no one. We knock on the door again. I start screaming by the tightly closed windows. I'm going to knock on the door of the gate, but who can hear with the comings and goings...

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