Monday, January 24, 2022

Page 68

to have lunch, whoever passed by our table stopped to greet me. Even the youngest, whom I barely knew. And almost everyone ended up sitting with us, drinking with us... who knows why" I giggled, reaching out for the martini. "And if at a certain moment they really had to go, sooner or later they would come back. And then they would come back again."

"They were all very nice and friendly, I remember." I interrupted.

"Yeah. They seemed to like you too. But do you know that you are a real sponge, Adriana? It is not clear where you put the alcohol. That evening you drank for hours, always fresh as a rose. At dawn the next day - there had to be drills - the colonel called the officers to report. Other than drills! Someone, not yet hungover, from the position of alert and plunged to the ground. One even collapsed on the colonel's feet. You understand, Ernest: an entire regiment annihilated by Adriana. Annihilated..."

"You have too much imagination," I protested. 

"Total fantasy! I remember well the livid faces of the officers, the day after your passage, dear. A couple ended up under arrest, poor things. Careful, Ernest: this girl with green eyes and like a crazy horse, is capable of knocking you out."

"Not a crazy horse." Papa smiled. "She is a great Black Horse..."

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