Monday, January 24, 2022

Page 67

"Not only what you stole. The twins confessed everything." laughed Carlo. 

"That's true. During a strafing on the Giudecca, the glass that closed one wall of the pantry was partially broken. We set the alarm clock late at night and put Jackie, who was the youngest, through the hole to go and get something. I remember one of them, once after I removed the skin from some salami, I then ate the skin too. And another time, in order to eat a piece of cheese, I had to sift it from worms."

"There is no doubt, it was real hunger," Papa observed.

"Other than that. Mom took me to the doctor because I often became all red, I swelled as if I were expecting a baby, I felt like I had bombs in my stomach ready to explode. But the doctor said I just had to eat better and with more vitamins, which was impossible at that time.

"Mario and Titti want to see you again: when are you coming to Friuli?" Carlo asked, turning to Papa. He really has an unmistakable profile, I thought. All the Kechler brothers had more or less that shape of nose but Carlo had it more at right angles than all of them. Everyone spoke perfect English, but his was the most perfect. "For who, in Friuli, has this girl laid a cavalry regiment on the ground?" he continued.

"What are you saying?!" I exclaimed a little frightened. You could never predict what would come out of his mouth when he was in the mood for joking. 

"Some time ago I gave her some riding lessons, I have a nice horse in Codroipo. After a lesson we went to the Officers Club. While we were having a drink, before...

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